The speed of light (science)

Hi there Hermione,

Here I am going to tell you about my science experiment



How does light travel when it is being reflected?

Can I hit the bullseye target with my ray of light?

What would happen if I used multiple mirrors? 


  (what do I think will happen before my experiment and why do I think that?)


I think that light travels in a straight line.

Yes you can hit the bullseye target.

At this moment I Don’t know.

What materials have I used







Procedure – What did I do (Step by step):


  1. I gathered my materials
  2. I set up my card with the clay
  3. I set up my mirror
  4. I shone my flashlight into the mirror to see how and where the light bounced off



My mirror needed to be higher.

Then it finally worked.



My hypothesis was right.

The light hit the bullseye.

Now I know that it still hit the bullseye with  mirrors

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